About Us
We are a community of students, tradespeople, young adults, faculty, and others that seek to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ more and more each day. We are located near Radford University's campus to make it easy for students to have a Catholic community that helps them have lives that flourish and are well-ordered for peace.
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Our Team

Tony Laux
Director of Campus Ministry
Cradle or Convert? Cradle Catholic
Favorite Saint? St Thomas More
Myers Briggs Personality:
Protagonist - ENFJ
Favorite thing about CCM? How Jesus is made manifest in the authenticity of the people and friendships present.
Passions and interests? Soccer, music by Jon Foreman, house projects, shopping/finding deals, reading good fiction novels, helping people find their vocations and good careers.

Lillian Martin
Lillian leads the women's small group and is an English major. She loves the devotion to the Divine Mercy as well as reading the mystics.
Anne Notebaert
Digital Marketing & Communications
Anne is becoming a communications major and works on campus in the gym. She will be helping us get updated pictures of CCM!
Fr. Cassidy Stinson
Cradle or Convert? Convert
Favorite Saint? St Therese of Lisieux is my overall patron saint, but I also consider Bl. James Alberione the patron of my priesthood.
Myers Briggs Personality: Mediator - INFP

John Paul Shanahan
Men's Group Leader
John Paul is a seminarian on assignment for a year who is hosting the men's small group.
Dr. Rob Warren
Faculty Advisor
Dr. Rob Warren is a professor of accounting at RU and a retired IRS investigator. His research and insight is often highlighted in The Pillar, a prominent Catholic news website. He is passionate about the Catholic faith and about bringing people back to Mass.
Staff (director, chaplain, and seminarian) are employed by the Catholic Diocese of Richmond, not Radford University.

Ky Yeoman
Music Minister
Ky is a Music Education major who directs our choir. He is a Lay Dominican who converted to Catholicism in 2022.
Elizabeth Tedrow
Social Outreach Minister
Elizabeth is a leveler graduate student who will be helping build our community through events and outreach. From California, she got her bachelor's degree in Linguistics and Psychology while playing Division I women's field hockey.
540-315-6901 (Tony's cell)
1024A Clement Street
(Next to Jimmy John's)
"Definitely don't wait.
These are some of the best relationships you'll ever have."
– Michael Young, Junior
Catholic Campus Ministry
at Radford University
1024A Clement St.
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